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Welcome to Free Mind Foundation

The population of Tanzania is estimated to be over 50 million, regarding that, over 60% are in rural areas, majority of this population are in extreme poverty despite the plenty socio-economic opportunities available in the country, and that they fail to utilize them.

FMF Considering further efforts of the government in facilitating the working environment for NGOs, through the Non-Governmental Organization Act No.24 of 2002 as amended 2005,

FREE MIND FOUNDATION (FMF) was established and it operates to ensure positive mindsets and sustainable economy for community development and improved living standard of the people through financial inclusion, good governance and leadership, action/applied research, youth & development, and social protection.


Envisages Tanzania communities with positive mindset and sustainable development.


To empower Tanzanian communities through creation of positive free mindset for sustainable community development

Our Objectives

Establishing and Maintaining stable community

To establish and maintain a stable community in covering all social and economic related issues in the society

Promoting Increased Prioritization

To promote increased prioritization of the socio-economic related issues from community to the nation level

Capacity Biulding

To build capacity of small scale producers to successfully meet the challenges and demands of the domestic and global market

Our Achievements

Free Mind Foundation have had extra ordinary journey, and we can simply narrate as our sucess over time in Tanzania.

  • ★ FMF is becoming more active in advocacy and participate in the regional and district multisectoral steering committee meetings
  • ★ 10 groups linked with financial institutional
  • ★ 10 Women groups supported with revolving funds-SACCOS
  • ★ FMF foundation successive on organizing the formation of single mother’s group and linking them to women district revolving funds.
  • ★ Number of youth trained on good governance.
  • ★ FMF became partnership with Marie Stopes Centre.
  • ★ FMF has been successful in engaging youth mediation.
  • ★ FMF has been engaging with Local Government Authority.

Our Partners

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